Deportation - Vimal Pandya

Thank you for contacting me about the case of Vimal Pandya

A number of constituents have contacted me about Vimal Pandya. As you may know, individuals must fulfil a range of criteria before being granted entry to, or leave to remain in, the UK. As there are multiple kinds of visa, these criteria can differ, but common requirements include the ability to support oneself, a good knowledge of the English language and the absence of particular criminal convictions.

All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis, according to their individual merits and against the part of the Immigration Rules which relates to the purpose for which they are seeking entry. Whilst I do raise cases on behalf of constituents, I do not believe it would be appropriate for me to become involved in this case, which relates to a constituent of one of my Parliamentary colleagues. I should also stress that the Home Office does not routinely comment on individual cases.