MOD Guard Service Contracts

Thank you for contacting me about the Operational Ministry of Defence (MOD) Guard Service (MGS) Contracts and EDM 125. I do not sign early day motions as I have not found them to be an effective way of achieving change.

Unfortunately, I am unaware of any proposals to roll-back the new contracts, although I do intend to follow the MOD's approach to this closely.  Let me reassure you that I value the immense contribution the MGS make to the security of MOD sites. As you might be aware, the MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and employs over 2,000 operational and support staff as civil servants. Having guarded the defence estate for over 25 years, the MGS provides unarmed guarding services at a number of high-profile locations such as the MOD Main Building in London and Her Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde.